Sunday 13 July 2014

One Minute Gaming #17 - Dwarven Den

This week, I've been playing a game called Dwarven Den. It's a puzzle adventure game, set in a lost buried city. You are a dwarf, destined to dig out the treasures and rescue lost citizens.

You start with 3 lives and a set amount of energy and tech points but you use at least 1 energy to dig each block out. You navigate the maze of buried tunnels and sometimes you find extra energy (red) or tech (blue) nodes.

level start
The tech nodes let you use lights to expand the dark areas or place bombs & traps to blow up the spiders or mummies that are trying to stop you.

There are treasure chests to find and gold blocks to dig up too. You can also forge better items by combining two of the same - they increase your visibility, slow monsters or increase your gold & tech rewards.

level finish map
Each level has a specific challenge - dig all the gold (like these screenshots) or to find a missing person perhaps. Luckily there's no timer on the levels so you can take your time to work things out and there are loads of levels to play through. If you need some extra gold to buy an upgrade, you can go back and do some easier levels very quickly.

I'm really enjoying it and for someone who likes puzzles, it's a pretty good game. It's one of my favorites so far & I give it a 9 out of 10.

If you have a game you'd like to suggest, you can contact me on Twitter @NevAHAddict or leave a comment below.

So until next time, have fun!


Check out my latest project
Gifts for Gamers and Geeks

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